Support the Foundation by donating. With your contribution (suggested $50) you become a Friend of the Foundation.

You can also volunteer by joining a committee or helping with events.

For those willing to help, with or without financial contributions

Donations Are Tax Deductible!

     The Lake Monticello Community Foundation provides a way for those who love the Lake to contribute to help the Lake and get a tax benefit from doing so.  LMCF is a 501(c)3 charitable organization incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia.  The Foundation has received a tax exempt determination from both the IRS and Virginia, stating that all contributions made to it are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Among other giving, the Community Foundation is able to give to the LMOA as long as the donations meet the Foundation’s  stated mission: “to enhance the well-being of Lake Monticello residents through volunteerism and philanthropy for current and future needs impacting the entire community.”  Both LMOA and the Foundation have received legal opinions saying the LMOA can legally accept support from the Lake Monticello Community Foundation.  Lake Monticello Community Foundation is not affiliated with Lake Monticello Owners Association.


CBS19 Did Great Coverage of the Foundation’s Efforts to Build an All-Inclusive Playground


Lake Monticello Community Living is Great!

Lake Monticello